It is important to Slots Temple NZ that all our visitors are aware of the potential risks in regards to gambling and that they know how to spot the warning signs of any potential gambling problems.
In this section you will find some of the warning signs as well as useful links to tools and organisations that can help you if you are experiencing any problems related to your online gambling activity.
If you’re worried about your gambling or a friend’s please visit
Signs Your Gambling May Have Become A Problem
Is your gambling causing problems for you or others around you?
The following signs may indicate a problem:
- Spending more money and time on gambling than you can afford.
- Finding it hard to manage or stop your gambling.
- Having arguments with family or friends about money and gambling.
- Losing interest in usual activities or hobbies like going out with friends or spending time with family.
- Always thinking or talking about gambling.
- Lying about gambling or hiding it from other people.
- Chasing losses or gambling to get out of financial trouble.
- Gambling until all your money is gone.
- Borrowing money, selling possessions or not paying bills in order to pay for gambling.
- Needing to gamble with larger amounts of money or for a longer time to get the same feeling of excitement or buzz.
- Neglecting work, family, personal needs or household responsibilities because of gambling.
- Feeling anxious, worried, guilty, depressed or irritable.
- Remember, problem gambling behaviour is often hidden. It can be difficult to know if someone has a problem with gambling. It can also be difficult to detect because many people who gamble do not show their feelings and may lie or get angry if questioned about their behaviour.
Staying In Control
Set deposit limits – Operators generally provide players with controls over their spending which include the ability to set deposit limits. Once you set a limit, you will be unable to deposit more than the amount you set for a specific period of time.
Self-exclusion – Again, every operator is required to provide players with the ability to self-exclude themselves, either temporarily or permanently from any gambling website. Generally this will only exclude you from that individual website, although if it is part of a wider network of sites you may find yourself excluded from all on that particular network
Where Can I Find Help?
PGF Services - PGF Services are trained to help. Qualified counsellors provide free, professional and confidential counselling for both gamblers and others affected by gambling.
Gambling Helpline NZ - Gambling Helpline is a 24 hour free service that you can call to receive immediate support, referral to another gambling support agency, or information services for gambling problems.
Salvation Army - The Salvation Army Oasis provides free and confidential support, education and counselling for those affected by gambling harm, as well as their whanau / family and others affected.
Protecting Minors
It is illegal for anyone under the age of 18 to gamble and all operators will have processes in place to age verify.
Slots Temple NZ takes this very seriously, we do not do any marketing of our site anywhere that might have a minor presence.
There are tools at hand for parents who wish to go further and restrict access to gambling sites on their children’s computers and other online devices. We advise at first contacting your internet provider to see what settings they can place and which tools they recommend for your devices.